The Coolest Website About Jennifer Morrison.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Jennifer's OUAT Behind The Scene Stuff!!

Here's a few Behind-The-Scenes stuff for you guys :) Did you know...
  1. There are NO STUNT DOUBLES! All the action Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Regina (Lana Parrilla) do are real! They are rather proud of them!
  2. In the third episode of the first season, Ginnifer Goodwin had to go to the ER to get stitches and then come back to work D:
  3. You know the scar Lana Parrilla has? The one on the right side of her upper lip? She got it from saving her cat from a dog when she was 10. In her front yard. Just so you know. 
  4. Ruby's (Meghan Ory) red strips are clip-ons.
  5. Belle's yellow dress was a wedding dress completed in THREE days!
  6. They've already filmed 9 scenes of Season 2!
Here are a few pictures of the ONCE crew on the season 2 set in Vancouver :)
Jennifer with her Blackberry and iPhone :P

Jennifer fighting the cold in Vancouver.

Jennifer wearing her jacket the wrong way round to keep herself warm on set :P

Jennifer as Emma :)

Jared Gilmore and Josh Dallas!!

Josh getting attention from his make-up artist and towel man/woman/person :P

Jared Gilmore hanging out with Meghan Ory!! Awww :)

Meghan Ory and Josh Dallas filming a scene in Season 2

Filming equipment are all over 'Storybrooke'!!

Jared Gilmore doing a stunt in Season 2. Regina's probably using magic to make him levitate ;)

Jared Gilmore (Henry Mills)playing a fool with David Anders (Dr. Whale) while Meghan Ory looks on holding an umbrella :P


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